After a hiatus of two years, I am finally getting back to blogging on
To say I've been occupied with other matters would be an understatement. Overwhelmed is more like it. I still have several articles that are due (or late) to various editors, and my own book project on the historical assumptions underlying the development of modern dog breeds is woefully thin, but with the coronavirus keeping me at home for the foreseeable future, I think I might have the time to get my website back in order and my blog back to appearing regularly.
So please check back here again on a regular basis for what passes for wit and wisdom. Thank you for your patience.
• Giving a medieval hug (31 March 2020) • My grandfather's birthday (25 March 2020) • Richard Sharpe (24 March 2020) • Why hasn't there been a run on tonic water? (23 March 2020) • Daffodil arrival date 2020 (22 March 2020)