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MichaelMeckler.com: Blog: An early end to summer

An early end to summer

6 AUGUST 2015

Acquaintances are well aware of my opposition to Ohio State's switch from quarters to semesters, which was completed in 2012. My primary reasons were pedagogical — and I still believe that those universities on a quarter system, like the University of Chicago, provide a more thorough education.

But another downside to the switch to semesters is that the academic year now begins in August, and freshmen will be arriving on campus in a little more than a week. So it's no longer the case that we academics have the campus "to ourselves" for the month of August, which used to make research easier to complete.

And I have several projects that need to be completed soon (or are already past due). So blogging is probably going to be on the light side through Labor Day.

I still intend to get the Food on Friday feature up, and there will be some calls-for-papers and the like, but it's unlikely I'll have the time for extensive comments on items academic or otherwise for the next few weeks.